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Censoring Christmas
Public Christmas displays, like the Ten Commandments, are allowed—as long as they don't mean anything religious
Newsweek Goes to Sunday School
"And learns about all the women in the Bible, who have been there for millennia"
Time Goes Gnostic
"Christmas, Carl Henry, more Gnostics, and other articles from online sources around the world"
Illinois Remembers Paul Simon's Integrity
"Fuller will proselytize, but not in its Muslim peacemaking program"
Supreme Court Justices Ask 'How High a Wall of Separation?'
"Should the Supreme Court strike down Washington State's Blaine Amendments, the implications nationwide would be breathtaking"
Behind the Anglican Division—Power, Money, and Love
The Guardian explores the liberal/evangelical divide without the stereotypes
Where to Go for all Things Tolkien
"The best sites on the Internet about the man, his faith, his books, the Inklings and the movies"
FDA Panel Recommends Over-the-counter 'Morning After' Pill
"Episcopalians form alternative network, lesbians in Iowa want a divorce and other stories from online sources around the world"
Bethlehem Prepares for Dour Christmas
"Tons more on Christmas, the lies of Da Vinci, State Department's religious freedom report, Christian video games, and hundreds of stories from online sources around the world"
"Weblog: Research May Allow Gay Couples to Have Children Genetically Their Own, but Not in Italy"
": France bans Islamic headscarves, blending religion and politics, and hundreds of articles from online sources around the world"
Has Emergent Emerged?
"More Christmas stories, China prepares for Christmas and demolishes churches, as well as Christians in Iraq, Anglicans in New Westminster, The Blind Boys of Alabama and articles from online sources around the world"
Weblog O.D.s on Christmas
The stuff Christmas is supposed to be about: giving. And Franklin Graham tells Sudan's president he wants to preach in the country
Iraqi Christians Celebrate Saddam's Capture
Chaldean Christian communities in the U.S. call arrest a Christmas present
French Schools Ban Islamic Headscarves; U.S. Schools Practice Islam
"Court upholds Ohio's partial-birth abortion ban, library allows paintings of Jesus, and stories from online sources around the world"
Mass. Gay Marriage Without Marriage?
"13 churches in Nigeria destroyed, Chinese Christians with Bibles sent to labor camps, Vietnam outraged at EU report on religious repression"
Bishop Committed No Hate Crime Saying Gays Can Change
Focus on the Family materials considered when judge ruled that a mother could not expose her daughter to anything that might be homophobic
Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Ban
A $3.4M program gets pulled from Azusa Pacific over school's statement of faith
The Gay Bishop's Global Fallout
How each of the 39 provinces in the Anglican Communion have responded to Sunday's consecration
"Weblog: Communion Impaired, Not Broken, Say Conservative Anglican Primates"
Supreme Court turns down Roy Moore's Commandments appeal
Marriage Amendment Introduced in Senate
"Graham Staines murderers appeal, Christians like gambling, but not psychics, and Homer Simpson ministry"